The humanities are in a tough spot these days, and the discipline of philosophy often ends up in the crosshairs as an exemplar of Undergrad Majors That Will Waste Your Time and Money. Good news though: it isn’t!

Dr. Phil Walsh is a lecturer at Fordham University in the Department of Philosophy and he has been hard at work to promote philosophy as a critical area of study, and used it as a means of explaining to his undergrads what the point of college is.

Here are a few of the people and resources mentioned in the episode:

The Humanities are in a Crisis (Atlantic)

Surfing With Sartre: An Aquatic Inquiry into a Life of Meaning – Aaron James

Assholes: A Theory – Aaron James

Infinite Baseball: Notes From a Philosopher at the Ballpark – Alva Noë

Hi Phi Nation podcast – Barry Lam 

Weapons of Math Destruction – Cathy O’Neill

Humanities Indicators

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