• Adjunct Faculty
  • Politics of Education
  • Race in College

Episode 43: Prof. Marlene Daut on “Becoming Full Professor While Black”

In the United States, just 6% of college faculty members are Black. It’s a really tough career pathway for anyone, but as we’ll learn from my guest today, there are so many additional hurdles to clear if you are Black. Marlene Daut is Professor of African Diaspora Studies at the University of Virginia, is the author of many books and articles about Haiti as well as a piece in the Chronicle of Higher Education where she shares her own tenure-track truth called “Becoming Full Professor While Black.”

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  • Why College?

Welcome to the Crush!

cropped-THE_CRUSH_04_CAP-6-0-00-00-04_1-1.jpgThis is a podcast where I talk to really interesting people about the factors that contribute to the love and fear of this (mostly) American rite of passage called “College.” Learn more about this show, get updates, engage and share ideas.
  • Puerto Rico

Episode 42: Celeste Suris Rosselli and DJ Meehan on College Access in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico is subject to a number of unique barriers to accessing college whether they leave the island or stay. These barriers simply don’t exist for any other US state or territory and are a direct result of its colonial relationship with the United States. It’s an issue close to my own heart and something that I’m really glad to try to emphasize in our national debate about college access along with my guests today, longtime college access professionals and current college counselors in Puerto Rico, Celeste Suris-Rosselli and DJ Meehan.

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  • International Education
  • Podcasts

Episode 41: Mindy Rose and Mark Moody of Shanghai American School

The coronavirus has forced some wildly unprecedented anxieties into an already extremely anxious space. Mindy Rose and Mark Moody of Shanghai American School have had to roll with the punches in a very unique college counseling community.

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  • Bias in Application Review
  • College Admissions Reform
  • College Applications
  • Podcasts
  • Race in College
  • Standardized Tests
  • Student Stress
  • The Business of College Admissions

Episode 40! Oregon State University’s Jon Boeckenstedt

Jon Boeckenstedt is as fearless as he is smart as he is dedicated to Doing The Right Thing as a leader in the realm of college enrollment management. He’s one of these people that everyone in our field looks to first with questions that require evidence-based answers, and over the better part of the last decade, his voice has emerged as one of the strongest and clearest on the biggest questions related to the use of standardized tests in admissions.

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  • College Movies

Episode 38: Sam Schreiber and I Review “Admission”

It’s fall! Which means this is the time of year when legions of college admissions counselors traverse the globe to find those eager minds to fill the seats in their classrooms. It is a whole hashtag life that thousands of people in this economy lead and in my case have lead. 

Well not long ago, a media representation with actual famous people! came out and showed the world what it’s really like in admissions. Or did it..? As my guest today former admissions counselor and current high school college counselor Sam Schreiber and I discuss. 

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  • Parenting
  • Podcasts

Episode 35: Dr. Susan Matt on the History of Homesickness in America

Soon children everywhere will be saying goodbye to their parents and to their communities and the times and the places that made them into the adults they’re on their way to becoming in college. Dr. Susan Matt, Presidential Distinguished Professor of History at Weber State University in Ogden, UT, wrote a book called “Homesickness: An American History.”
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  • Covering Higher Education

Episode 34: Eric Hoover of the Chronicle of Higher Education

Eric HooverIf you pay attention to the world of college admissions, then you not only know this guy, chances are he’s helped you form your understanding of what goes on in said world. Eric Hoover has been writing about admissions for about as long as current college freshmen have been alive. What has changed over that period of time? What are the constants? If I give him enough beers, will he tell me who the next big names are that will be going “test optional”???
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  • College Admissions Reform

Episode 32 ***🚨EMERGENCY AUNT BECKY SCANDAL PODCAST With Eric Hoover🚨***

This week it became known via a federal indictment that rich people used their wealth to break the law in a variety of appalling ways, all with a mind to skip the line and receive guaranteed admission to famous/elite/highly-selective colleges. Nobody knows more about this world than Chronicle of Higher Education reporter Eric Hoover…let’s unpack #AuntBeckyGate emergency-style!

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Episode 31 – Doug Webber 2: The Return of Doug Webber!

Temple University Economics Professor Doug Webber does some fascinating research on the impact of our academic choices in college. In a world plagued by a lust for prestige, how much does it really matter in terms of your ability to earn a good living?



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  • College Athletics
  • The Business of College Admissions
  • Explicit

Episode 30! Josh Hunt on “The University of Nike”

Nike and Oregon – the state as well as its flagship university – go way back, and their relationship became a template for underfunded state universities all over the country. Josh Hunt takes a deep dive into this complicated and painful reality in his new book, “The University of Nike: How Corporate Cash Bought American Higher Education.”

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  • College Counseling
  • Podcasts

Episode 29: Emmi Harward of ACCIS

Emmi Harward is the Executive Director of the Association of College Counselors in Independent Schools (ACCIS), and it’s her job to keep her finger on the pulse of the college counseling profession so she can help her members do their best work helping kids apply to college.

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  • College Applications
  • The Business of College Admissions

Episode 28: Annie Reznik on the Coalition Application

The Coalition for Access, Affordability, and Success emerged 3 years ago to provide an alternative application platform for, at first, 32 colleges, and now over 150 of them. Executive Director Annie Reznik is helping this group of colleges execute a mission to improve the college attendance and graduation chances for more of the kinds of students who don’t go and don’t graduate.

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  • Community Colleges

Episode 26: Bart Grachan on Community Colleges

6 million people attend community colleges in this country, and yet we somehow don’t tend to consider it as “college.”

Bart Grachan earns his keep doing everything he can to help students succeed at LaGuardia Community College, and also to helping us all change the conversation to include these students, their concerns as well as their successes.

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  • Podcasts
  • The Business of College Admissions

Episode 25: Alexander Clark, CEO and Founder of Technolutions/Slate

It’s a company with a loyal following to rival almost any brand, and everyone in college admissions is buying it. Slate is the technology of choice that admissions offices use to read applications and manage every interaction that students make with that office, from mailing list subscription to every click on an email to admission notification.

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  • Politics of Education
  • Race in College

Episode 24: Stanley Nelson on HBCUs and His New Film “Tell Them We Are Rising”


Stanley Nelson has been making movies for a long time, and his latest film – airing Monday, February 19th on PBS – called “Tell Them We Are Rising” is the first of its kind fo explore the topic of Historically Black Colleges and Universities or HBCUs.
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Episode 23: Prof. Nathan Grawe on the Changing Demographics of America’s College Bound


Professor Nathan Grawe of Carleton College developed a demographic model which says that ’round about 2030 this country is going to lose a giant share of its population of college-going age. How will this impact colleges and universities and how will it impact each kind of higher education environment? I talked to him about his book “Demographics and the Demand for Higher Education” to learn more.

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  • College Admissions Reform

Episode 21: Scott Looney on the Mastery Transcript


The Mastery Transcript Consortium (MTC) is a group of over 150 private schools that have coalesced around an idea that our current model of grading students is not only outdated, but harmful to their development. Scott Looney is the Head of School at the Hawken School in Cleveland, Ohio, and is the driving force behind the Mastery Transcript, a brand-new way to consider how we assess student achievements in high school.  Read More

  • Standardized Tests

Episode 20: Akil Bello Helps me Register for the SAT


Akil Bello is a friend of mine who is also one of these odd sorts who concerns himself in life with all things Standardized Test. Following up from Episode 4 where I pledge to take the SAT, I finally sit down to register to do it, which in itself can take up to an hour. Naturally, I thought this would make for gripping radio. We document this epic experience of simply registering for the exam and attempt to read the minds – and fine print rivaling the iTunes terms of service – of the College Boarders who’ve put this experience together.

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  • Learning in the Digital Space

Episode 19: Dr. Andrew Ho on the Reach of MOOCs

So we have literally all of humanity’s knowledge at our fingertips thanks to the Internet, and Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) are making it easier to get more education to more people for free. Dr. Andrew Ho has done research on MOOCs and their impact and assessing the knowledge obtained in a MOOC such that any credential you receive after passing a class matters in the marketplace. 

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Episode 18: Prof. Doug Webber on NY’s “Excelsior” Scholarship

New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo recently championed and passed the nation’s first plan to offer free college tuition to state residents attending state public colleges called “The Excelsior Scholarship.” Free always sounds good, but does it make for good policy? Professor Doug Webber, a labor economist at Temple University who has contributed to fivethirtyeight.com, Fortune, and has testified before congress on matters of higher education, helps us understand what about this plan is good, and what about this plan might actually be really bad policy. We use NY Times columnist David Brooks’ scathing 8-point critique (“The Cuomo College Fiasco” NYT 4/14/17) as a frame for this discussion.  Read More

  • Bias in Application Review

Episode 17: Dr. Michael Bastedo on the Bias of Admissions Counselors

Right now, college applicants are anxiously waiting to hear back from the colleges they applied to, while legions of admissions counselors read their applications and those of anywhere from hundreds to thousands of their fellow applicants. That’s a lot of decisions to make. How are they made? What influences that process? What can research tell us about how to do it better so that we can be fair to students and their circumstances, while also being fair to the admissions counselors and their (physical, mental, emotional, marital) health? University of Michigan School of Education Professor Dr. Michael Bastedo has done research on exactly these questions, and I caught him at the NACAC conference in Columbus OH this fall to ask him about his research.

  • Politics of Education

Episode 16.2: Lew Frederick on the Question “Is Donald Trump Racist?”

DSC_0129I needed to go back to something that I think Oregon State Representative Lew Frederick is uniquely qualified to talk about and something that’s been on my mind almost every day since about the 2nd presidential debate: and that is, is Donald Trump racist? And if he is, how should we feel about that? More specifically what does it mean if you vote for him? What does it mean if I know people who are voting for him, does that make them racist? I veered from the path of this podcast’s mission of discussing higher education in this one instance because the opportunity presented itself and in my mind and placed it into it’s own “part 2” and I called Lew back to ask him some of these questions.

  • Politics of Education

Episode 16: Rep. Lew Frederick on Race, Politics, and Education


As a candidate running unopposed for the State Senate of Oregon from a Portland district, Lew Frederick stands to be one of the most if not the most influential black politicians in the state of Oregon, which makes him one of the most influential black politicians in this country. I wouldn’t normally use the qualifier “black” but Lew is one of two elected officials in the state legislature who are black and that characteristic is particularly meaningful especially in this day and age as we consider the direction of society and the politicians who want to direct it. He’s been active in politics his whole life, and active in the politics of Oregon – and apropos of this podcast, Oregon’s systems of education – for decades.

Learn more about Lew and his work here: http://www.lewfrederick.org/

Here is an article referenced in the episode: “This is why finland has the best schools.” http://www.smh.com.au/national/this-is-why-finland-has-the-best-schools-20160324-gnqv9l.html

  • Science Research

Episode 15: Dr. Christina Warinner on 10,000 Year Old Teeth, Science Research, and Women in Academia


christina-warinnerDr. Christina Warinner works at the University of Oklahoma’s Laboratories of Molecular Anthropology and Microbiome Research (LMAMR) and studies some incredibly cool and incredibly small things: the bacteria in the teeth of our ancient ancestors. She does this to learn about our ancient diet in an attempt to gain insight into the nature of periodontal disease. I interviewed her because I wanted to learn more about this stuff, and also to have her provide insight into the value of doing research as a component of your college education, and what it’s like to be a woman making an academic career in science. Oh also: The “Paleo Diet” is silly and she can prove it. Read More

  • Adjunct Faculty

Episode 14: Maria Maisto on the Struggle of Adjunct Faculty

Maria MaistoMaria Maisto is the Executive Director of the New Faculty Majority, an organization fighting to improve working conditions for adjunct and contingent faculty at American institutions of higher ed. The name grew out of the reality that only in recent history has higher ed leaned on adjuncts to the degree that they comprise 75% of the teaching workforce.

They’re members of the “faculty,” at 75% of the teaching labor force in higher education they are the “majority,” and it’s “new” because a combination of factors have only recently made them the unstable majority of the teaching workforce.  Read More

  • Parenting

Episode 13: Julie Lythcott-Haims on Parenting the College-Bound

JulieLythcott-Haims_AuthorPhoto_CredittoKristinaVetter-e1459351110328Julie Lythcott-Haims, former Dean of Freshmen at Stanford and mother of two herself, has been on a world tour promoting her book How to Raise an Adult in an effort to help today’s parents to, well, back off. Because “we” aren’t going to college, are “we”?  Read More

  • College Admissions Reform

Episode 12: Lloyd Thacker and Rick Weissbourd on “Turning the Tide”



Rick Weissbourd and Lloyd Thacker are new partners trying to solve an entrenched problem: How can college admissions change to better encourage healthier student outcomes and to promote ethical engagement in their communities? Their “Turning the Tide” report is their best and latest stab at it.

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  • Student Stress

Episode 11: Denise Pope on The Pressure to Succeed in High School

denise head shot far 2012

Dr. Denise Pope is a professor of education at Stanford and a founder of “Challenge Success,” an organization that “partners with schools and families to provide kids with the academic, social, and emotional skills needed to succeed now and in the future.” She’s out to reduce stress among teenagers through a variety of methods including a reduction in homework and more sleep. These were two of my favorite concepts when I was in high school, but for some strange reason even the students are pushing back.

Follow me on Twitter @crushpod – visit www.crushpodcast.com for more info – Subscribe and rate The Crush on iTunes! Read More

  • Money

Episode 10.1: Jon Burdick on Money and College

Jon BurdickJon Burdick is the VP of Enrollment and Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid at the University of Rochester. He was also my admissions counselor when I went to USC, and now he’s my boss. He’s also one of the more articulate (and relatively fearless) thinkers and speakers on all things college, so I put the money questions to him. It took up almost two hours, so I’ve split it into two parts.

This is part 1! Follow Jon on Twitter @deanburdick

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